Happy new year! It has been six months since the setup of Summer's Therapy Services. Things are starting to pick up and I am feeling more settled. I reflected and looked at where I am today and was thrown back to Year 2000 when I first came to know about the profession of Speech Therapy. In 2000, I was an undergraduate at National University of Singapore (NUS), majoring in Social Work and Psychology. I came across Speech Therapy during one of my Social Work internship in a special school. Since then, I knew that this is where my passion lies. Upon gradation from NUS in 2002, I worked as a therapy assistant at one of the acute hospitals in Singapore. Without the appropriate qualification, being a therapy assistant is the closest thing I could get to being a Speech Therapist, or any allied health professional. That lasted for a year and a half before I was granted a government scholarship to pursue a degree in Speech Therapy in Australia. I graduated in end 2007 and started...