I thought I was going to be late for this year's Thanksgiving post! But I made it before the year ends. I was away for the last two weeks to attend my best friend's wedding and just returned two days ago. It was in Las Vegas, and then I took the opportunity to visit New York during Christmas. Just wanted to see Christmas movies come alive. Hah! An amazing experience in New York the week before Christmas - to see the bustling streets and beautiful deco. Plus experiencing a cold wave of -14 degrees! Brrrrrr! And so here are some of the many things I am thankful for in 2022... BUSINESS 2022 has been a long year at Summer's. We started off with much hope of expanding the company - we were looking for a new location for a bigger center, as well as securing new Speech Therapist hires. A post-pandemic recovery had been forecasted and we were looking at expansion. But God seemed to have other plans - or rather, He protected Summer's for the storm that was coming ahead. Singap...