
Showing posts from December, 2023


2023 felt like a very long year, but it was also very short! The year just flew by with only one blog post in May! I had time for five in 2022.) Anyway, this is the first year post-pandemic that things are back to normal, more or less. There had been many changes in Summer's and in my personal life - some good, some not so good. However, Summer's word for 2023 is 'Gratitude', so regardless of circumstances, I (we) give thanks.  OFF TO SCHOOL The year started off with Jacelyn, our Early Childhood Interventionist cum Speech Therapy Assistant, leaving us for her studies. She went to pursue her Masters of Science (Speech and Language Pathology) at NUS. When we first met in December 2021, she was a passionate young lady who was tired of the special needs field. The politics of the field has zapped all her energy from the actual work with the children. She was at the cross road of her life. Wondering what her next step should be, Jacelyn was introduced to me by an ABA therapi...