GOOD NEWS TO START 2017 - Let's Welcome VitalStim® Therapy System

Happy New Year to all!

The year starts with good news! Summer's Therapy Services will be offering VitalStim® Therapy for children with dysphagia, that is, swallowing difficulties.

Quoting from Djoglobal:

"VitalStim® Therapy is a safe and effective treatment for patients suffering with difficulty swallowing or dysphagia. It was developed in response to the 15 million Americans living with dysphagia today.

The VitalStim® Therapy System is a non-invasive, external electrical stimulation therapy cleared to market by the Food and Drug Administration in 2002 for the treatment of dysphagia with application on the anterior neck. VitalStim® Therapy is backed by comprehensive clinical data.

The VitalStim® Therapy System is designed as an adjunct modality, meaning a clinician will apply VitalStim while simultaneously working with the patient on swallowing exercise. Used as an adjunct to traditional swallowing therapy, VitalStim has been found to:

  • Be safe and effective for patients 
  • Accelerate the recovery time from a restricted diet 
  • Help patients achieve sustained improvement and long term results 
The lasting effect of VitalStim was demonstrated in a 3 year follow-up study submitted to the FDA that showed improved swallowing function was maintained. Another published study demonstrated the lasting positive impact of VitalStim in a group of patients for whom previous attempts at dysphagia therapy had failed."

I had the experience of using VitalStim® Therapy with several children with Cerebral Palsy and other neurological disorders when I was working in a special school. They had severe swallowing difficulties whereby traditional feeding therapy gained little success. Some of them had difficulty even just to swallow their own saliva. Parents often self-blamed because being able to feed their own child is seen as the most basic thing a parent should be able to do for their child.

For most of the children who underwent VitalStim® Therapy, much gains were observed. It was awesome to see how their quality of life (and that of their families) had improved just by being able to eat. (Who does not enjoy good food right?) Having a meal together as a family is a dream come true.

Despite the high success rate of VitalStim® Therapy, we have to remind ourselves that it is not the magic potion or magic pill. There is no once-off, cure-it treatment for swallowing difficulties. Consistent follow-up is a must, as is with all other forms of therapy. As mentioned above, "The VitalStim® Therapy System is designed as an adjunct modality."

To find out more, here are some of links to the reviews of VitalStim® Therapy:

Electrical Stimulation and Swallowing: How Much Do We Know?

E-Stim for Dysphagia: Yes or No?

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Use of Electrical Stimulation to Treat Feeding and Swallowing Disorders in the Pediatric Population 

Feel free to contact Summer's Therapy Services to find out more.


Mobile: (+65)97665067


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