This is the third year-end post of Summer's Journey!

I am just thankful for another chance of thanksgiving.

Going Places

2017 has brought me to places... Brunei... Jakarta... Kuala Lumpur... Myanmar...

I am thankful for the many opportunities to do overseas training and consultation in these various countries. It allowed me to see the many needs in these countries, as well as forged several friendships. I am thankful to be able to connect with many people during these trips, especially in Myanmar.

I have been going to Myanmar for training and consultation work on a quarterly basis. I have met veterans of the special needs field, and hear of their stories, of how they started decades ago when Myanmar had limited resources... and even up till today. My admiration goes to their perseverance, commitment and passion for people with special needs. Inspirational indeed!

Group Work during one of the Trainings at New World

The Team at New World Therapeutic Center for Special Needs Children, Yangon, Myanmar

Company Growth of 100%

This is what my high school friends' have always joked about. I got a new staff member this year. From a company size of one, now it is two... I cannot disagree that the company's size has indeed grown 100%. Hah!

I am thankful that Mag is such a steady worker who always put the children's interest ahead of her own. Her humble learning attitude, positive demeanor and awesome work ethics is more than what I have asked for.

I pray that the next new hire will be as good as Mag!

Mag and I during our 'Annual Company Dinner'. :D
Going into Centers

2017 also sees Summer's going into an integrated preschool - Ichiban Nurtureland. It was great news for me when the principal invited me to run sessions at her center, saying that she has heard good reviews of my services, as well as seen the progress in the children I was working with. It was fantastic working alongside the teachers and parents, to enhance the speech and language skills of those children with special needs.

Mag and I have also been working closely alongside Autism Recovery Network (ARN), a provider of ABA-VB therapy, to support their children, particularly in the area of speech difficulties. Close collaboration with the ABA therapists, through joint sessions, sees massive progress in these children.

I am thankful for these opportunities for collaborations, which have brought about awesome progress in the children.

Publishing Apps

In February this year, Summer's published its first two Apps, under the Sing To Talk - Speech series. It was released after a year's of hard work, coordinating between Singapore and New Zealand. I am looking forward to more releases in 2018!

Check them out at

Launch of Our New Website

In June this year, Summer's also launched her new website. It was such a blessing when my friend introduced her nephew to me, saying that he needed 'practice' to create a company website. Despite being a novice freelancer in website building, he created such a professional-looking website. (check out Besides that, his work ethics was amazing; he is highly sensitive and responsive to my needs and queries, as well as being well-organized and timely in his work. He is now Summer's IT consultant, who is ever so patient with me, the IT idiot.

Overflowing Caseload

I am also thankful for the overflowing numbers of clients that have been sent our way. Most of them came through recommendations of existing clients. This is an assurance of the satisfaction of our services. We will keep up the good work and strive to do even better in 2018.

Looking ahead into 2018...

Summer's looks forward to another year of serving the children wherever they need us most... may it be their homes, their pre-schools and other educational centers, and/or overseas. Summer's also looks forward to hiring more like-minded and passionate therapists, so that more children and their families can be served.

We will bring the best to your doortstep!

Blessed 2018 to all!


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